Latest News
- ‘The Carcass’
I play in a band called Out of the Blue – a celebration of Joni Mitchell and we’ve been selling out venues and theatres around Scotland this year. We perform the entire Blue album, and other number from Joni’s songbook plus a couple of original songs by members of the band. Here’s me performing The Carcass at Charlie’s Loft in Milngavie on 7th June 2024.
with Anne Gair, Billy Bowes, Ian Murray and John Inglis. Video by Kirk Lothian.
- ‘At Beekeeper’s Corner’ – 3rd Single
Just along from my house is a gap where the beekeeper’s house used to be. A lighthearted look at human nature by focusing on the spaces in between things.
My good friend Lesley Woodbrooks poured some of her violin magic into the gaps. She and I have collaborated so often over the years that we finish each other’s musical sentences.
Also featuring Euan Burton on bass and Louis Abbott on percussion.
- New Single ‘I Knew Josephine’
If I had to pick my favourite song from this record, it would be I Knew Josephine.
This song defines the whole record in the way it explores the contrast between the way things appear from the outside and the much darker reality on the other side of the door.
Featuring Joanne Donaldson on clarinet and Gustaf Ljunggren on banjo.